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Geophysics students prepare for field campaign in Hawaii

The course EPSS 136C Field Geophysics provides one of the most powerful educational models in the Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences.  Students consider a scientific question, go to the field for a week, collect measurements, and analyze the data as a team during Spring Quarter.  All along, they are guided by EPSS Professor Paul Davis.  This year, the students are headed to an erupting volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii.  They will take electromagnetic measurements across lava tubes with the goal of improving our understanding of volcanic processes and volcano monitoring techniques.  Students and instructors will sleep in dormitories at the military camp on Kilauea.  

If you wish to partner with us and enable this unique experience for our students, please make a tax-deductible donation to the EPSS Student Fieldwork Fund at this link.  Thank you for your support!

Hawaii-bound: 11 EPSS students and 2 instructors prepare for their geophysics measurement campaign in Spring 2018.

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