Our faculty are internationally recognized as some of the foremost authorities on fault mechanics, earthquake forecasting, seismic imaging, and deep earth structure. Field areas range from downtown Los Angeles to remote Siberia. Within UCLA, we work closely with specialists in tectonics, geodesy, geocomplexity, and applied mathematics to solve recalcitrant problems. We also take advantage of our special geographical location. California is a famous hotbed of earthquake research, with major collaboratories such as the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Here we need only to step outside our doors to see the objects of our research.
Faculty in Geobiology
Title | Position | Email Address |
Jonathan Aurnou | Professor | jona@epss.ucla.edu |
Peter Bird | Professor Emeritus | pbird@epss.ucla.edu |
Paul Davis | Professor Emeritus | pdavis@epss.ucla.edu |
Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni | Department Chair & Professor – Louis B. and Martha B. Slichter Endowed Chair in Geosciences | clb@epss.ucla.edu |
Jean-Luc Margot | Professor | jlm@epss.ucla.edu |
Lingsen Meng | Associate Professor | lsmeng@g.ucla.edu |
William Newman | Professor | win@ucla.edu |
Gerald Schubert | Professor Emeritus | schubert@ucla.edu |
Lars Stixrude | Professor | lstixrude@epss.ucla.edu |
Caroline Beghein | Professor | cbeghein@g.ucla.edu |