Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
The Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences offers four graduate programs leading to the MS and PhD degrees.
Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Read More: Geophysics and Planetary PhysicsGeophysicists study the dynamics of the Earth and other planetary bodies, using applications of physics and math.
Earth and Environmental Science
Read More: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and environmental science students study the interactions between the solid Earth, climate, and human activities.
Engineering Geology
Read More: Engineering GeologyEngineering geologists learn to evaluate geologic hazards and study the Earth, emphasizing applications to civil and environmental engineering.
Read More: GeochemistryGeochemists study the chemical composition and atomic structure of rocks, minerals, fossils, meteorites, the oceans, and our atmosphere through applications of mathematical models and chemistry.
Read More: GeologyGeologists study the structure and evolution of the Earth through rocks, minerals, and applications of fundamental physics and chemistry.