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EPSS organizes successful eclipse outreach events

EPSS was all over the country to observe the Great American Eclipse. First, a team of volunteers led by EPSS staff members Emmanuel Masongsong, Eric Wessenauer, and Henry Gonzalez and student groups in Astronomy and Engineering organized a spectacularly successful viewing party on the UCLA campus. Thousands of people got to see the partial eclipse with sunspotters, solar telescopes, and eclipse glasses.

(Photo credit: Brian Haas)


Second, 32 alumni and friends of EPSS traveled to Oregon on a four-day trip to witness totality with EPSS Profs. Jean-Luc Margot and Seulgi Moon, EPSS graduate student Heather Kirkpatrick, and EPSS staff member Hilda Avanesian. Seulgi and Heather described the geology of Oregon during excursions to Newberry Caldera and Smith Rock State Park. The experience of totality viewed from a beautiful private ranch was captured on video.

(Photo credit: Jean-Luc Margot)


Third, EPSS dispatched Prof. Kevin McKeegan to serve as faculty host on a four-day UCLA Alumni Travel trip to Swan Valley, Idaho. About 40 alumni and friends joined Kevin on a tour of Yellowstone National Park prior to viewing the total solar eclipse.

(Photo credit: Craig Seidel)


Many others in EPSS traveled far and wide to view the eclipse. Check out our report in the upcoming Fall 2017 EPSS Newsletter.